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A resource for community groups/schools.
Planning a short series of nature walks is the perfect recipe for introducing children (and their families) to the great outdoors and helping them deepen their relationship with the nature that is on their doorstep.
This guide will show you how to create a walk that children will want to do again and again.
Want to do more?
Visit the Backyard Nature website for more resources to help make your nature walks amazing. If the children want to do more to look after the places you are walking, you will also find plenty of resources to help them protect a patch of nearby nature.
This guide is brought to you by Backyard Nature, a campaign to help all children and young people enjoy and protect nature where they live. This activity has been tested and developed by Outdoor People working with children and young people.
Useful resources
We’d like to say a big thank you to the #iwill4nature campaign, whose funding has made this work possible.