
Helo Gymru!

(See this is English below!)

Y Gaeaf yma, rydyn ni’n mynd yn Wyllt yng Nghymru! Drwy helpu planhigion ac anifeiliaid yn eich iard gefn eich hun, byddwch yn helpu i ddiogelu’r blaned ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Rydyn ni eisiau ei gwneud yn haws i chi ofalu am eich darn o dir a’r blaned yn ystod y cyfnod heriol yma, a dyna pam rydyn ni wedi creu’r dudalen yma yn arbennig i chi. Gallwch ddod o hyd i’r holl adnoddau y bydd arnoch eu hangen i helpu i gefnogi eich darn o dir yn ystod y Gaeaf Gwyllt yma.     

Mae natur eich angen chi. Ydych chi am gymryd rhan?

Hello Wales!

This Winter, we’re going Wild in Wales!  By helping plants and animals in your own backyard, you will help protect the planet for the future.

We want to make it easier for you to look after your patch and your planet in these challenging times, which is why we have created this page just for you. You can find all of the resources you’ll need to help support your patch through this Wild Winter.

Nature needs you. Are you in?

Support Backyard Nature

The more we can harness the enthusiasm of children like the Eco Emeralds, the more the planet and future generations will benefit. You can give even more children the opportunity to take action by donating to Backyard Nature.
Donate to Backyard Nature